Starting Monday, 3/24 our 3rd and 4th graders will be taking their state tests. These tests are very important to our teachers and staff and are used by the state when we are given our rating in the fall. Our goal is to receive an Exemplary state rating, so let's encourage and support these teachers and students! We have theme days scheduled for the next two weeks.
Tuesday 3/25 - Are you RED-y for the test (wear red)
Wednesday 3/26 - You are a JEAN-ius (wear jeans)
Thursday 3/27 - You are so BRIGHT! (wear a bright colored shirt)
Friday 3/28 - SOCK it to the test. (wear fun socks)
Tuesday 4/1 - We’ve got testing down to a T (wear a t-shirt)
Wednesday 4/2 - We’ve got our GAME faces on (wear your favorite sports team shirt)
Thursday 4/3 - ORANGE you glad testing is almost over (wear orange)
Friday 4/4 - KAHOKS rocked the test! (wear purple)